Sunday, January 22, 2006

Why I Write

Why I Write

To Create, to Invent, to tell a story, to share a moment, to put a few pennies in your pocket, to put some gas in your tank, to make a living, to keep on living, to relieve your stress, to vent, to get something off your chest, because you cannot speak, because you must speak, because you are numb, because you need to feel,because you need to share what you feel? To let go of a past, to welcome a future , to look forward to things to come,to reminisce about those past, to rekindle a romance or a friendship,
to remember which items to buy, to record a phone number, to relive a moment , to escape reality, to create a new reality, to instruct others, to convey emotion, to welcome a moment of solace that belongs to no one but yourself?

I write for all of these reasons and more; do you?


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