Sunday, January 22, 2006

Behold, the Fruits of Your Efforts

Behold, the Fruits of Your Efforts

You slave away on your latest literary masterpiece. You gruel away hours of your day working on a project, but how long do you have to wait before you have the enjoyment of seeing your name - and your work - in print?

For immediate gratification, write for websites. Anything to be published on the Internet can take only moments to upload and publish, giving you the satisfaction of seeing your work almost immediately.

Newspapers, whether daily, weekly or irregular, will give close to immediate satisfaction most times, especially if they go into print every day or every week. Some newspapers come out sporadically, but it isn't a bad idea to get your byline into these markets as well!

Magazines generally offer the longest lead time. You may have a story to write that is due in December, but it may not come out until April, and you may not receive your check until a month or so later!

All forms of publication work differently, but here is the breakdown if you feel the need to consider these angles before submitting your work:

Waiting period - type it in and just click save&post or publish post!
Payment - Pennies, via check or keep them adding in your account... Or dollars if you have some Google Adsense savvy!

Waiting period - within a day or several days, perhaps longer
Payment - Varies greatly on a wide scale, often can receive payment quickly

Slightly Delayed Satisfaction:
Waiting period - overnight, usually!
Payment - Most often greatest out of newspaper publications, probably quicker paying, too.

Waiting period - within a week or two, depending on amount of breaking news and features in queue
Payment - typically monthly

Delayed Satisfaction:
Waiting period - Anywhere from a month to six months or more...
Payment - Most pay fairly well, within a month or so after publication.


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