Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Stumped with Writers Block? Here's a Tiny Tactic to Re-Energize Your Mind!

Put some madness in your method...

Ditch the logical steps of starting at the beginning and concluding at the end. Changing routine by writing chaotically in no particular order can bring a new energy to your works! The instant a clever idea arises, scrawl it down before it escapes. I can’t even remember how many times I had a stroke of genius, thought, I’ll throw that in when I get to that part… and lost the thought forever….

By writing your story or article erratically as you think of it, you leave much room for extra creativity drawn from previous sections you’ve written. It doesn’t matter if you write more effectively on paper or your PC—you can always rearrange your sentences and paragraphs until you find the perfect fit. I find that writing by hand first gives me an edge because I treat that as my first draft, and I polish it up a great deal when I convert it from chicken scratch to text.

After writing as much as you can muster, go back and refine—easily pick out your lead, or create a new one! Writers will find a greater sense of freedom within their writing, thus allowing them to better realize their potential. Try this tip for breaking into new markets and breaking out of the writers’ block doldrums.


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