Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Make $50/ Month - OR MORE! Get your Writing Career off the Ground NOW!

If you've been waiting for the perfect moment to launch your freelance writing career, wait not a moment more. You, too, can make a profitable living as a writer - maybe not fulltime right away, but you can start working your way toward that common goal we all seem to share!

Here's the recipe of what you'll need:
Major motivation
Dedication and persistence
A good attitude
Some spare time
More persistence and dedication
A savings account!

To get started as a freelance writer the most painless way possible, sign up for
Constant-Content if you have not already done so. I will be able to guide you through getting your first sale and building a profitable arrangement with the system. If you already joined C-C, and haven't had your first sale yet, leave me a comment and I am happy to help!

I also recommend calling your local newspapers to see if they could use a stringer. Writing for a weekly paper is a great way to get your feet wet in the writing world!

If you are dedicated and spend at least a few minutes each day checking out the site, you should be able to earn a nice supplementary income from C-C as you pave your way to bigger and better earnings!

Stumped with Writers Block? Here's a Tiny Tactic to Re-Energize Your Mind!

Put some madness in your method...

Ditch the logical steps of starting at the beginning and concluding at the end. Changing routine by writing chaotically in no particular order can bring a new energy to your works! The instant a clever idea arises, scrawl it down before it escapes. I can’t even remember how many times I had a stroke of genius, thought, I’ll throw that in when I get to that part… and lost the thought forever….

By writing your story or article erratically as you think of it, you leave much room for extra creativity drawn from previous sections you’ve written. It doesn’t matter if you write more effectively on paper or your PC—you can always rearrange your sentences and paragraphs until you find the perfect fit. I find that writing by hand first gives me an edge because I treat that as my first draft, and I polish it up a great deal when I convert it from chicken scratch to text.

After writing as much as you can muster, go back and refine—easily pick out your lead, or create a new one! Writers will find a greater sense of freedom within their writing, thus allowing them to better realize their potential. Try this tip for breaking into new markets and breaking out of the writers’ block doldrums.

Make Yourself More Marketable - A Networking Tip Every Writer Should Know!

Learning life's lessons on a daily basis whether by choice or by lack thereof, I am convinced that while we may be very good at what we do, we can always become better.

Anyone who desires a career as a freelance writer must know the ins and outs of networking... and just how valuable knowing someone who knows someone who knows someone else can be!

At least a year ago, I decided that I needed to network with people on the fly. The best way to do that is by ha nding out business cards! I looked into "vistaprint" (
www.vistaprint.com) and I think they have some pretty nice designs for free, payment only necessary for the cost of shipping!

I designed my business cards on a serene blue ocean-type background with white text. I customized them to contain my phone number, email address, mailing address, website and various other tidbits. Hey if you go through the trouble of making them, you might as well add your blog and such! I believe I actually only spent about $5.50 on these business cards...and I've definitely generated well over a thousand dollars from them!

My own thoughts on the value of business cards:

1. Having business cards makes you more credible in the profession in which you claim to work.

2. They serve as an easy self-marketing tool and enough can't be said about them for networking potential!

3. They are handy to give out to friends and family for easy on-hand access to your contact information! Hey, maybe your friend or your cousin will pass you on to their friend who is in need of a writer!

4. They fit well in Christmas cards and Valentines when you're just touching base with the family or your friends, and they save you the explanation of how you think you're going to make it as a writer--by the looks of your business cards, you already have!